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Why The Best Companies ReOnboard

The most robust employee onboarding programs can last up to one whole calendar year. But, here’s my question — why stop then?

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Last updated on Dec 03, 2021

What is employee reonboarding?

According to SHRM, new employee onboarding is “the process of integrating a new employee with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information needed to become a productive member of the team.”

The most robust employee onboarding programs can last up to one whole calendar year. But, here’s my question — why stop then?

So much changes at a company over the course of a year. Think about where your company was a year ago and where you are today.

  • Are there new faces?
  • New tools?
  • New processes?
  • New OKRs?

Of course there are. And in some cases, your mission, values, culture, and core company strategy may have shifted as well. The truth is companies are in a constant state of flux, and as a result “onboarding” never reaches a final state.

This is where the idea of employee reonboarding comes into the picture. It doesn’t matter if an employee has been working at your company for 3 months or 3 years, everybody needs to be reoriented as things change — sometimes that may even mean on a daily basis.

This guide maps out the requirements needed for a successful reonboarding program that will lead to every employee feeling engaged and empowered.

Download the guide here.

Before we jump into the logistics, let’s remember why this all matters

TL;DR: happier employees, more profit, stronger retention, costs savings. Got it? Amazing! Let’s continue.

First, a few disclaimers

We put this guide together based on our first-hand experience working with hundreds of companies who have used Honey to keep thousands of employees around the globe engaged, inspired, and informed. This guide focuses on high-level strategic ideas, designed to equip you with the ideas and resources you need to build your reonboarding program, regardless of the tools you use. We use some Honey screenshots throughout, but this guide can be used with any tool stack you choose.

Employee onboarding is a robust and nuanced process, including live and digital events, thoughtful conversations, hands-on training, and relationship building.

Regardless of whether you’re an in-person, hybrid, or remote company, every onboarding experience requires a digital companion. New hires need a self-service home base where they can discover, search, and access the information that will shape their experience at your company.

That’s where this guide comes in.

This guide focuses exclusively on the digital experience… or, in other words, all the “stuff” your employees need to thrive long-term at your company.

Now let’s dive in! 

Download a free copy of The HR Manager’s Guide to Employee Reonboarding here.

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