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Level Up Your CPO Career: The Benefits of Making an Investment in Yourself

Prioritizing personal development can of often move to the back burner, but investing in yourself pays

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Last updated on Sep 11, 2023

Are you a Chief People Officer (CPO) wondering, "Is this it"? The answer is no. There is so much more for you. Investing in yourself is one of the best ways to find the answers. You think about this all day long for all employees and your peers, but hardly ever for yourself. Whether it's through executive coaching, developing relational intelligence, or honing your emotional intelligence, there are so many benefits - to you and your organization - in making an investment in yourself. In this article, we'll explore:

  • Why CPOs should prioritize personal development investments
  • Provide key insights and resources to help you unlock your potential and reach your career goals

At the end of this piece, you'll know how investing in yourself pays off. So if you're ready to level up your CPO career, read on!

Understanding the benefits of investing in yourself as a CPO

As a CPO, you know that the landscape of CPO roles is constantly changing. With emerging technologies and never-ending stakeholder demands, it's critical for you to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. (AI, Pay Transparency, Immigration, et al. It’s like Lions, and Tigers, and Bears - oh my!) That's why investing in yourself is imperative. It can help you identify potential career paths you don't see today, recognize the multiplier effect your learning can have on others, discover the value of self-improvement for career and personal growth, and uncover new tools and resources to propel you forward.

Investing in yourself should be the number one goal of CPOs today. The rate of change in the world and in our organizations makes it so, as does the unfortunate short tenure of the role. From gaining insight into what makes a successful CPO to understanding how to better manage complex teams, there is exponential value in investing in yourself as a leader. When it comes to professional development specifically, executive coaching can provide invaluable guidance on how to develop your skill set and reach your goals faster. Working with an experienced coach - someone who has been in your role and knows the demands of operating - can also help you understand how best to leverage relationships with stakeholders, build strong teams, and create an environment where everyone feels included and respected. And don't confuse coaching with consulting. A great consultant is someone you go to for tactical answers. A great coach is the person who teaches you how to find answers yourself. Would you rather be given the salmon or taught how to fish? (Although, there is huge value in finding that person who could play both roles for you).

Together with executive coaching, developing emotional intelligence (EQ) is also a key to success as a CPO - especially when it comes to managing organizations effectively. EQ refers to our ability to interpret emotions accurately and use this information wisely in order to influence others or make decisions. Emotional intelligence development helps enhance both personal and professional relationships by teaching skills like self-awareness, empathy, problem-solving abilities, communication techniques, and stress management - all of which can be invaluable when it comes time for big decisions or difficult conversations.

Finally, developing relational intelligence (RQ) - which focuses on developing the capacity to absorb, follow, and react to the dynamics of interpersonal relationships - can be extremely beneficial for CPOs looking to 10x their performance. By learning about different types of relationships such as customers vs employees or team members vs companies – CPOs gain valuable insights into improving their leadership capabilities, forming more meaningful and results-focused connections with their peers while managing risk at the same time.

The benefits of making an investment in yourself as a Chief People Officer are clear: having access to the right resources will give you the tools necessary to level up your career quickly while setting yourself apart from others in your field. 

Exploring Executive Coaching and its benefits

Executive coaching is a priceless investment for CPOs looking to unlock their potential and take their career to the next level. It provides personalized guidance and mentorship from experienced coaches who can help you develop both your leadership skills and team-building capabilities. With tailored objectives that address individual issues, it enables individuals to gain valuable insights into the challenges faced by other C-suite execs while also improving communication skills, decision-making abilities, and self-confidence. Ultimately, this leads to increased job satisfaction and productivity, allowing CPOs more time for innovation and growth.

Increasing Relational Intelligence for better leadership

Increasing relational intelligence is a key factor in helping Chief People Officers (CPOs) become better leaders. Developing strong relationships with team members, communicating effectively, collaborating with other departments, and understanding the value of team dynamics are all important elements of increasing relational intelligence.

Building trust is the foundation for any successful relationship. It's essential to create an environment where employees feel safe to share their ideas and opinions without fear of criticism or judgment. By fostering an atmosphere of collaboration and respect, CPOs can strengthen relationships with their teams and create a positive work culture.

Effective communication is also essential when it comes to increasing relational intelligence. CPOs must be able to clearly convey instructions, expectations, and feedback in order to ensure that everyone understands the goals and objectives of the organization. Additionally, listening carefully and responding appropriately will help CPOs gain insights into how different individuals interpret messages differently.

Collaboration between departments is also essential for increasing relational intelligence within organizations. By working together across departments, CPOs can foster a sense of unity among team members while providing valuable insights into how different functions interact with each other. This will help foster collaboration among all team members while creating a more dynamic work environment that encourages creativity and innovation.

Finally, understanding the value of team dynamics can help CPOs increase their relational intelligence by recognizing the unique strengths that each individual brings to the table as well as areas where they need improvement or development. By leveraging these differences in experience or knowledge, CPOs can create teams that are highly effective at accomplishing tasks quickly and efficiently while maintaining good relationships between coworkers.

With these key insights in mind, investing in yourself through executive coaching and developing emotional and relational intelligence (EQ & RQ) are surefire strategies for career growth! Whether you're looking to level up your career quickly or take it step-by-step over time – making an investment in yourself will absolutely pay off.

Developing emotional intelligence to enhance your career

As a CPO, developing emotional intelligence is essential for taking your career to the next level. First and foremost, this involves creating self-awareness around your own values, beliefs, motivations, and influences. Having a heightened sense of self-awareness can help you quickly build meaningful relationships with colleagues or partners more effectively.

Moreover, components of emotional intelligence also include building self-regulation skills such as impulse control and managing emotions during tough conversations or difficult situations. Additionally, social awareness, such as being able to read a situation and recognize how others are feeling, is also important in order to respond appropriately. Finally, managing relationships through trust-building with coworkers should be another priority to make sure everyone's needs are met within the workplace environment.

The process of gaining emotional intelligence takes time—but there are several ways to accelerate personal growth in this area. Consider exploring an EQi assessment with your coach or attending workshops that focus on improving emotional intelligence skills. There are also plenty of helpful online resources available, like books or podcasts from leading experts in the field of Emotional Intelligence (EI). Moreover, practicing mindfulness activities like meditation or journaling can benefit you by creating space for reflection on how you want to grow emotionally while honing your EI skills at the same time!

With an enhanced sense of self-awareness and understanding of emotions both internally and externally, CPOs will be better equipped than ever before to create meaningful relationships with colleagues on both personal and professional levels - all while advancing their careers even further.

Reaching out to discuss your options

Reaching out to discuss your options is an important step in taking your CPO career to the next level. It requires research and exploration into the best executive coaching strategies for you, as well as discovering which emotional and relational intelligence practices can help you reach your goals.

When exploring executive coaching sessions, consider topics such as goal setting, time management, delegation skills, communication techniques, problem solving strategies, and more. A great coach should also be able to help you identify areas of strength as well as opportunities so that you can focus on developing where needed.

It's also important to invest in developing emotional and relational intelligence (EQ & RQ). EQ helps you understand yourself better, while RQ helps you understand how relationships affect your professional environment. Investing in both can provide invaluable resources for becoming a better leader and reaching higher levels of success throughout your career.

Finally, take advantage of the latest resources available on CPO career development, such as online courses, workshops, or webinars. And join groups, like TroopHR. Accessing these materials will help keep you up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices – allowing you to stay ahead of the competition.

By assessing your progress regularly and setting realistic goals that are achievable for yourself, you can make an investment in yourself that will pay off in the long run. Reaching out to discuss your options is an important first step towards unlocking potential and taking charge of your CPO career growth. 

I’d love to learn more about your HR journey and answer any questions you may have on growth and development, especially on how to ask your company to make the investment in your success. Reach out to me at lorna@cultureplaybookpartners.com

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